Copyright © Robert Fitt, March 2010.  All rights reserved.
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The Restoration

                 By Robert Fitt

The world sagged and faltered. It’s proud head

Bent, its heart despairing, dark, depressed—and

Man, awash in sin and strife, cried out through

Sobs of hopelessness:

        Oh, God, why hast thou forsaken me?

God heard—gross darkness sheared away, and

Through the sudden cleft—Moroni clothed in

Glorious Light burst Forth. He paused, then,

Standing boldly, with golden horn upraised and

Flowing Robes unfurled,

      Proclaimed the restoration to a fallen world.

His goldhorn song was glorious: claim the

Atonement! Allow Christ’s wounds to heal your

Own—the song rang forth. And then, as one by one,

The pure in heart joined with the holy choir, they

Sang in praise of God’s great gift to men.

     The Church of Jesus Christ restored again!

“I saw another angel, fly in the midst of heaven, having  the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.”                        (Revelation 14:6)

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