Copyright © Robert Fitt, March 2010.  All rights reserved.
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When I was a child I loved to doodle.  I enjoyed drawing shapes and forms that seemed to go together in some kind of an organized way. I was much older when I learned that there was a name for what I was doing.  It’s called ‘design’; and I love designing.  It’s essential in painting and sculpture; but I have found that my wastebasket is also a treasure trove. The left-over shapes and colors that result when I cut-out letters of the alphabet (for example) create wonderful modern art designs.  Left-over shapes from my sculpting have often piqued my interest as well, and at one time or another I have spent my leisure hours sculpting modern designs in clay for the sheer pleasure of doing it. The two designs in clay pictured here have somehow survived over the years.  One modern sculpture is simply a play on shape and form.  The other is a sculpture using only letters from the Alphabet.  Folks who enjoy modern art may like these better than my more traditional pieces, who knows?